Here is one rewriting of text: let me introduce you lining shell wearable silicone pumping. This smart unit combines one breast pump past, the laws one mælkeopsamler. Fool you have busy, works it as one notebook breast pump. You bowl only press on back past, the laws fasten it to your breast, take your bra on again past, the laws continue with your daily chores suction power can adjusted by to regulate valve.
On it other side, if you wishes to use it to mælkeopsamling, bowl you remove vacuum, sa there not sucked. Set shell in your bra past, the laws let it passively collecting what, there already delicious out shell located flat on back, fool what is time to to drain it, which prevents waste of milk. What is easy to pour milk över in one bottle or holding tank without difficulty. Haakaa shell is easy to use past, the laws easy to clean what perfect election lining mothers, there have use lining both one pump past, the laws one collector.