2i1 Theater Past, The Laws Købmandsbod see the best price
2i1 Theater Past, The Laws Købmandsbod

2i1 Theater Past, The Laws Købmandsbod

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Product Information

Large grocery store with opportunity lining also to come one trip in theater
On it one side is one woodland stores -legebutik with 2 doors, there opens up to shelves with goods past, the laws 2 boards, which one can write today deals with blackboard chalk included not .
One curtain can lowered lining to show, to store is closed.
On it other side is to one woodland theater puppetry with 2 sweet hand puppets. There is one blackboard shaped as one acorn to to write time lining next performance chalk included not past, the laws what red carpet can highlighted or lowered as one part of performance.
There included also one sweet tote bag, there becomes one strawberries, fool it folded.
Toy food past, the laws weight sold separate.
Material: wood
Product: 75 x 25 x 110 cm
Packing: 76,6 x 53 x 6,5 cm
Age: 3-6 year

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