Give your children one safe place to play past, the laws explore with our removable, folding playhouse, where dè can have what fun with imaginative role play. This playhouse is incredibly quickly to gather past, the laws separate on get minutes. House in hyttestil is designed with bright colors, one tag with tagstenslook, open windows, uneven vægtekstur past, the laws one lockable dies. This playhouse is manufactured of uv past, the laws weatherproof plastic, as is toxic, odorless past, the laws durably. What can used both indoor past, the laws outdoor.Color: white, blue, red, gulmateriale: plastikproduktmål: 96 x 91 x 115 cm l x b x h goals, folded: 95 x 88 x 14 cm l x b x h lockable døruv-bestandig past, the laws vandafvisendefoldbart: janettovægt: 10,5 kgegnet to indoor past, the laws outdoor brugmaksimal user weight: 25 kgegnet to children över 2 årmontering collection required: yes