Our trælegehus with sandpit past, the laws uv beskyttelsestag will quite safe be to large delight lining dè small. Your children will guaranteed get what fun with our perfect combination of one playhouse past, the laws one sandpit this great playhouse will be it perfect add to your have, when what will encourage your children to to play outside, building sandcastles past, the laws use their imagination. Træverandaen with one stable frames makes throughout kit safe past, the laws robust. Wheels gives you opportunity lining easy to move playhouse. In addition, have the sandbox one covered porch with uv50 protection, there protects children meet it burning sun. Playhouse past, the laws the sandbox is easy to mount with dè medfølgenmonteringsmaterialer.Color: nature blue tagproduktmål: 130 x 130 x 143 cm l x b x h goals, sandpit: 96,5 x 96,5 x 18,5 cm l x b x h material, sandpit: grantræmateriale, tag: 100 % polyestervægt: 20 kgtag with uv50-beskyttelsemonteringstilbehør medfølgeradvarsel: not suitable lining children under 36 months.Warning: must only used under supervision of one adult.