With this automatic feeder to poultry will you not further be bothered of mouse, rats past, the laws birds, as eat your fjerkræsfoder. This feeder is manufactured of zinkbelagte plates with one thickness on 1 mm, which is thicker than andré feeders, past, the laws therefore is it extremely stable. Trædepladen is manufactured of plastic past, the laws one grid. What will say, to you not further bowl endure with slurry past, the laws water on grid. Fool animals fjerkræene enter up on trædepladen, opens foderdispenseren flap, sa there is access to feed. You saves time thanks be it great storage capacity, when you not need to refill feeder constant.Color: grønmateriale: pp gf, on gf, zinc plated sheet 1 mm goals: 27,5 x 23 x 46 cm b x d x h capacity: 8 kgnettovægt: 5,1 kgmontering collection required: yes