Plate Lifter To Plasterboard see the best price
Plate Lifter To Plasterboard

Plate Lifter To Plasterboard

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Product Information

Pladeløfteren is one indispensable tool to attachment of different pladematerialer. This tool makes what easier past, the laws safer to gather plates on high walls or ceilings. Lifter have also wheel, sa it can easy moved. Pladeløfteren is suitable to plates on up to 488 x 122 cm with one weight on up to 68 kg. Arbejdshøjden can set medium 140 past, the laws 335 cm. After use can pladeløfteren easy past, the laws quickly folded together, which makes it yet easier to move.Color: red past, the laws black material: ståljusterbar working height: 140-335 cmprodukthøjde: 122-335 cmegnet to plates on up to 488 x 122 cmsammenfoldeligvægt, plate lifter: 44 kgmaksimal carrying capacity: 68 kgantal wheel: 3med brakes

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Kr. 1.800,00
Kr. 2.172,00
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Kr. 1.810,00
Kr. 2.182,00
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EAN: 8718475813743
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