Apple Usb-c Til 3,5mm Jackplugg-adapter see the best price
Apple Usb-c Til 3,5mm Jackplugg-adapter

Apple Usb-c Til 3,5mm Jackplugg-adapter

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Product Information

Opplev lydtilkobling av høy quality with apple usb c to hodetelefonkontaktadapter. This uunnværlige accessory builds bridge mellom usb c-enhetene your past, the laws hodetelefonene with 3,5 mm switch, candy to you can nyte music, videos past, the laws conversations with utmerket sound quality. It compact past, the laws slitesterke shops doeth it to one ideell følgesvenn lining avenue your lydbehov, either you is home, on jobs or on move. With wide compatibility can it single coupled to one long rekke enheter, noe as gir deg it flexibility past, the laws bekvemmeligheten you trenger in today digital world.

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Kr. 77,00
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Kr. 87,00
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EAN: 195949332937
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