This middle module in wood stands themselves out with his lameldesign past, the laws soft cushions. What is one excellent add to your have or terrace, fool you will sit past, the laws talk with family past, the laws friends. Massively pine: massively pine is one beautiful past, the laws naturally material. Pine have straight åremønstre, past, the laws knots gives submission his characteristic, rustic appearance.Robust past, the laws stable frames: træstellene makes garden sofa robust past, the laws stable to daily outdoor use.Comfortable sædeoplevelse: backrest adds additional comfort to udendørssofaen. It thick upholstered cushion gives also comfort, fool you sitting past, the laws enjoy your outdoor spaces.Modular design: sektionssofaen is flexible past, the laws easy to move around on. You can combining it with andré modular segments in webshop lining to create your own personal lounge set to garden well to know:we recommends, to you protects your outdoor furniture with one waterproof coating lining to ensure, to dè remains beautiful.Middle:material: massively pine untreated material, lamellae: krydsfinermål: 120 x 84 x 70 cm l x b x h max. Carrying capacity: 110 kghynde:color: beigemateriale, upholstery: oxfordstofmateriale, fill: pp bomuldmål, seat cushion: 120 x 80 x 12 cm l x b x t goals, back cushion: 120 x 40 x 12 cm l x b x t mounting collection required: japakken contains:1 x midterdel1 x sædehynde1 x back cushion