Braun Braun 94m Barberhoved Sølv 4210201394792 Modsvarer N A see the best price
Braun Braun 94m Barberhoved Sølv 4210201394792 Modsvarer N A

Braun Braun 94m Barberhoved Sølv 4210201394792 Modsvarer N A

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Product Information

Topydelse: braun recommends to replace series 9 shaving head each 18. Month lining continue excellent results series 9 pro head prisoners more have in dè first strokes lining one unusual gentle shave nothing aftenskæg: pro head with our unique problade shave have shorter than 0,05 mm past, the laws gives one close past, the laws gentle shave, there keeps easy to switch: what is easy to switch to one new shaving head
Just click quality workmanship: 100 % manufactured in germany past, the laws compatible with braun series 9 pro past, the laws series 9 shavers package contains: 1 paragraph series 9 pro shaving head refill compatible with series 9 pro past, the laws series 9 shavers.

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EAN: 4210201394792
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