Bogs Bogs Hair Clipper 1400 Edition Red 4015110000129 Equals N A see the best price
Bogs Bogs Hair Clipper 1400 Edition Red 4015110000129 Equals N A

Bogs Bogs Hair Clipper 1400 Edition Red 4015110000129 Equals N A

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Product Information

Bogs 1400 is one german manufactured hair clipper, there is easy to maintain past, the laws gives one outstanding result. It used in hairdressing world över thanks be its high past, the laws precision past, the laws quality. Skærelængden can set seedli 0,7-3 mm with 6 lockable positions without forlængerkam past, the laws with forlængerkammen father you one cutting length on 4,5 mm. Bogs 1400 is equipment with diamond cut steel blades past, the laws new silent past, the laws powerful armaturmotor. Delivered with one cleaning brush, one forlængerkam past, the laws oil lining to preserve knives sharpness past, the laws durability.

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