Tag your pets with you över everything with this ventilated past, the laws light kæledyrstrolley this folding stroller have one multifunctional design. It can namely also used as one backpack or one handbag to pets. It is one excellent election to pet owners. This stroller to pets is easy past, the laws well ventilated with strong trådnetvinduer in three pages, which makes it to one comfortable place to your pets. Doors with lynlas can rolled up or down, which makes what easy lining your pets to come in or out. This kæledyrsvogn have also 2 storage pockets with lynlas to small items such as toy, treats etc.. This kæledyrsvogn is made of metal past, the laws fabric in high quality, sa it is extremely durable.Product targets: 40 x 25 x 55-103 cm l x b x h goals, space: 34 x 24 x 45 cm l x b x h length, handle: 50 cmbæreevne: 10 kgfarve: beigelavet of washable past, the laws waterproof stofmed one robust metalstelsammenfoldelig lining easy opbevaringvelegnet to pets on up to 5 kgmed:2 x lynlåslomme2 x skulderstrop2 x meshdør with lynlås2 x strong meshvinduestof: polyester: 100%