Worldwise Dog Guard To Car K9k Aluminum Silver see the best price
Worldwise Dog Guard To Car K9k Aluminum Silver

Worldwise Dog Guard To Car K9k Aluminum Silver

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Product Information

K9k-hundegitteret to car seedli worldwise is one universally portable past, the laws adjustable security system to to keep pets on back seat under driving. Suitable to almost any car: grids width past, the laws height is adjustable, sa what can adapted car goals.Easy to gather: hundegitteret eliminates risk lining monteringsskader, there is general by komprimeringsgitre, past, the laws eliminates drilling past, the laws haircut, there usually is necessary by mounting of permanent dogs lattices in cars, which makes installation easier.Safe design: sikkerhedsgitteret insulates dog on back seat, prevents it in to come in on front seat past, the laws gives you security under driving.Color: sølvfarvetmateriale: aluminiumjusterbar width seedli 83 cm to 152 cmjusterbar height seedli 30 cm to 51 cmegnet to almost any type ticket to gather
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