Green Garden Planteskolesæt - Svanemærket Plast see the best price
Green Garden Planteskolesæt - Svanemærket Plast

Green Garden Planteskolesæt - Svanemærket Plast

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Product Information

54 Parts.
Is children in kindergarten ready to to learn about, past, the laws feel joy by, to plant vegetables past, the laws flowers in garden
This great greenhouse set addresses themselves to more children seedli 2 year ages past, the laws upwards. This is ages where children begins, to develop ability to to play role play.
Kit contains many læringsmuligheder, as quickly will catch dè curious children interest. With kit will children bl.A. Could learn about numbers, colors, flowers past, the laws vegetables past, the laws dè will could plant dè fictive vegetables past, the laws see what dè mon becomes to in future
Subsequent can in together with child test to plant right seed in garden, as can be to flowers or vegetables. Child will sa could be with in throughout process past, the laws see what finished result. While will what increase children independent past, the laws their self-esteem will bloom.
Worth to know
Kit is obvious to use in combination with stimulation of it verbal communication, dè social skills past, the laws stimulation of it tactile sense. One well system toy.
Dè fine muted colors past, the laws dè many exciting parts will quite safe catch interest past, the laws dè many options, will could help to hours long instructive play lining both children past, the laws adults.
Caution: can washed in machine by max. 65 Degrees.
Brand: dantoy
Collection: green garden
Material: swan label plastic
Certificates: swan label, en71 past, the l...
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