Overtræk Til Pejs Firepit L Nylon Grå 82045 see the best price
Overtræk Til Pejs Firepit L Nylon Grå 82045

Overtræk Til Pejs Firepit L Nylon Grå 82045

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Product Information

Beskyttelsescoveret firepit l to bålfade is made of nylon past, the laws is water repellent. What protects your brazier in poorly weather past, the laws will effectively extend its life past, the laws sure lining, to what becomes by with to see great out. Firepit l is particularly designed to redfire model chicago. Note: please clever with to let bålfadet cooling enough down, before you sets beskyttelsescoveret on.Color: gråmateriale: polypropylenvandafvisendedesignet to redfire chicagostof: polypropylene: 100%

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EAN: 8718801855058
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