Led-lysgardin M. Stjerner 200 Led'er 8 Funktioner Farverigt Lys see the best price
Led-lysgardin M. Stjerner 200 Led'er 8 Funktioner Farverigt Lys

Led-lysgardin M. Stjerner 200 Led'er 8 Funktioner Farverigt Lys

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Product Information

This part light curtain with stars is perfect to to create additional light in home. What is suitable to christmas, celebrations, weddings past, the laws andré special moments. Lyskæden is provided with 200 energy saving led er, past, the laws it creates one magic lighting. It have 8 different lighting effects: kombinationstilstand, ripple effect, sequential effect, slow glow, flashing, slow fade, sparkling past, the laws constant light. It is one excellent piece accessories to lighting of indoor and outdoor outdoor areas. Note: what included usb connector is not waterproof, sa this part bowl held dry, but thanks be it 3 m long cord can lyskæden with stars past, the laws style used outdoor, when both cord past, the laws product is waterproof.Light color: flerfarvetmateriale: plastikmål: 96 x 216 cm b x h voltage: dc 5 veffekt: 5 w3 m long forlængerledningmed 40 stjernermed 200 energy saving led'er8 lysfunktionermed usb-forbindelseegnet to indoor and outdoor udendørsbrugbemærk: 5 v the usb adapter is not included
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