Have you always dreamed about to owning your quite own whirlpool this inflatable lay-z-spa hawaii airjet whirlpool seedli bestway is one affordable whirlpool, there can spacious up to 5 adults. You can have what really fun with family past, the laws friends in it cold winter in this whirlpool. What inflatable whirlpool with automatic timerstyret heating function have great thermal insulating properties to to keep water hot. Thanks be chemconnect dispenser past, the laws what built-in water filtration system have whirlpool always interest water. You can enjoy water by one temperature on up to 40 c. It inflatable wall, there is manufactured of tritech materials, guarantee durability past, the laws comfort. Whirlpool can quickly inflates up past, the laws emptied lining air with it included pump. What can easy folded together to storage past, the laws transport, fool what not is in use. Airjet-massagesystemet gives you opportunity lining to relax quite of in bubbles, sa your have feels as one luxurious resort. What have moreover, one reinforced coating with security clips lining to keep water interest.Color: blåmateriale: tritech past, the laws pvcmål: 180 x 180 x 71 cm l x b x h water capacity 80 % : 840 lspænding: 220-240 v actually water flow: 1325 l t.Max. Heat capacity: 40 cairjet-system: 140 jetsindbygget vandfiltreringssystemblid massageoplevelsemed duraplus i-bjælkekonstruktionforstærket coating with security clips past, the laws built-in air chamber to isoleringstrø...