Præcisionskydelære 150 Mm 825 see the best price
Præcisionskydelære 150 Mm 825

Præcisionskydelære 150 Mm 825

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Product Information

Præcisionsskydelæren seedli bruder mannesmann is made of tempered chromed steel past, the laws is perfect to tasks, where you have use lining extremely accurate measurements. This much accurate caliper have one measuring range medium 0 past, the laws 150 mm past, the laws is equipment with one finsjusterende locking screw past, the laws præcisionspunkter to inside paint.Color: sølvfarvetmateriale: tempered chromed stålmål: 25 x 9 x 2 cm l x b x h measuring range: 0-150 mmskydelærestørrelse: 1 20 mmmed finjusterende locking screw past, the laws præcisionspunkter to inside målingleveres in one plastic box

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