Expert Målehjul Blå 44238 see the best price
Expert Målehjul Blå 44238

Expert Målehjul Blå 44238

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Product Information

Draper tools expert measuring wheel records automatic distance measurements, fool user going with what, which makes what ideally to construction workers, farmers past, the laws vejentreprenører etc. This measuring wheel is easy, but durably past, the laws compact past, the laws have one length-adjustable handle. It furthest possible measuring distance is up to 9999,9 meter. Thanks be it enlightened reading works what even under bad relationship or bad light. There is also one reset to milometeret. Afstandsmåleren delivered with one tripod past, the laws one hardwearing bag to storage past, the laws transport.Color: blåmateriale: aluminiummål: 32,8 x 15,5 x 47,3 cm l x b x h easy past, the laws compact with one adjustable handle on 600-950 mm in længdenbelyset reading past, the laws genindstilleligt milometerer in able to to paint up to 9999,9 metervelegnet to construction workers, farmers, vejentreprenører etc.Delivered with one tripod past, the laws one durable canvas carrying case
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