This superchargers is designed to use with airbrush past, the laws small spray guns, as can used to avenue airbrush tasks, spraytan, makeup, tattoos, t-shirts, nail art, decoration of bicycle helmets etc..It professional airbrush set consists of one mini compressor, three airbrush guns past, the laws another accessories:1. Mini piston compressor this mini piston compressor with luftregulator, air filter, pressure gauge past, the laws pistolholder is suitable to avenue airbrushes with one nozzle size on 0,2
1,0 Mm.- Features: * compressor with handle past, the laws airbrushholder.* Air filter past, the laws pressure gauge* adjustable air pressure * oil * air contaminated not. * Started by pressure* continuous, powerful operation* thermal protected* low noise level: 47db* automatic switch sluk2. Spray gun with single function, set in 7 deledenne airbrush gun with single function, set in 7 parts, can used to commercial art, illustrations, fotoretouchering past, the laws crafts etc..2. Spray gun with dobbletfunktion, set in 8 deledenne airbrush gun with dual function in 8 parts can used to avenue forms lining modelfremstilling, cosmetics, tattoos, painting, illustration past, the laws much more.Spray gun with dual function, set in 9 parts throughout kit contains one airbrush with fine main, one 5 ft. Vinylslange, one 2 oz jar with layer, one attached 3 4 oz jar, wrench, propelregulator past, the laws one adapter 1 4 air hose seedli compressor to it less airbrush hose 5. 3-I-...