The Accumulation Of Dirts - Teppanyaki Table Grill Griddle L X W 90 X 23 Cm 5 Heat Settings see the best price
The Accumulation Of Dirts - Teppanyaki Table Grill Griddle L X W 90 X 23 Cm 5 Heat Settings

The Accumulation Of Dirts - Teppanyaki Table Grill Griddle L X W 90 X 23 Cm 5 Heat Settings

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Product Information

Cook your favorite food with this teppanyaki griddle. It is equipment with one adjustable thermostat to cooking of avenue types vegetables, meat past, the laws fish to perfection. Cooking plate have also one removable drip tray, there ensures yet more fat cooking. One removably power cable past, the laws nonstick-coating means, to you quickly can wash up after dinner party.

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EAN: 5412810268351
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