Messetæppe 1x24 M Green see the best price
Messetæppe 1x24 M Green

Messetæppe 1x24 M Green

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Product Information

Carpet is ideally to hedging of floor by events as weddings, celebrations, shows, åbningsceremonier, birthdays, festivals etc.. This messetæppe, there is made of material in high quality with one good heaviness, is soft, hardwearing past, the laws can recycled, past, the laws what is easy to roll together ifm. Storage past, the laws transport. Carpet is easy to keep interest with one vacuum cleaner.Color: grønmateriale: 100 % polyestermål: 1 x 24 m b x l weight: 260-280 g m can used to many formålkan genbrugesnem to clean can clipped with one saksstof: polyester: 100%

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